Enjoy the summer with the new style of Flamingo swim trunks

Summer is coming and people are already preparing their ideal outfits for some nice vacation days. If you go to the beach, or swimming pool, you should wear a pair of stylish flamingo swim trunks that says that you are ready for everything!

Among the many styles of swim trunks, one of the most tropical are those with flamingo print. These flamingo swim trunks catch the attention of many people partly due the style and design which provide a nice touch for those summer vacation days.

In Bermies, we offer different designs and styles of flamingo swim trunks, so the choice is up to you. Let’s talk about them!


Flamingo 2.0

This particular style of flamingo swim trunk is one of the most popular. The reason for this is partly because it combines the seriousness of a dark black color with pink flamingos that are part of the print. 

You can find this swim trunk in different inseams, such as 4” and 7”, and the price varies according to the inseam you choose.

So, if you want to show a serious but not too serious style during your summer vacations, this pair of swim trunks is the ideal for you.


Green Flamingo

The green flamingo style is one of the best swim trunks we have for those who want to embrace a highly tropical style. 

These flamingo swim trunks come in a light fruity green and they also contain pink flamingos in the print. We also have this pair available in different inseams, but the 4” inseam is the one that many men nowadays tend to wear.

If you want to embrace the fully tropical style, then you should go for the green flamingo!


Crazy Flamingo

The crazy flamingo style comes with a light blue color and the classical pink flamingos that are part of their print. 

This is also one tropical style for flamingo swim trunks, and it is an ideal pair to wear either for taking a relaxing swim in the beach or being part of an amazing beach party, or even more than that.

As the Green Flamingo style, the Crazy Flamingo swim trunks are the favorite for the younger males, since they are not too serious to wear as the Flamingo 2.0 style.

Crazy Flamingo 

Color changing to Flamingo

We also offer swim trunks that show a peculiar style: a transition between a color to flamingo.

Some of the swim trunks that we offer with this style are the Blue to Flamingo, which are blue and show the flamingo print when they touch the water. 

Another is the Pink to Flamingo, which displays a beautiful pink color that changes to flamingo when you get into the water. 

This style is perfect to wear something different that is, at the same time, quite stylish.


Of course, the style that you choose is totally up to you. The important thing is to embrace the flamingo style with some of the flamingo swim trunks that we offer for you here at Bermies!